Hérna er dagskrá æfingabúðanna í Kaupmannahöfn. Hún getur þó breyst.
Sunday 17.15 check in Arena, sandwich
Dennis H, Jon G, Jonas B, Emil A,
Mathias M, Robin H, Binnie, Ingo,
19.15-20.15 ice
21.00 meal for 10
21.40 flight arrival CPH
22.15 Bus to hotel and arena
22.30 meal in Arena, info
Monday 8.15 Walk
8.30 Breakfast HOTEL
9.30 Teori at the rink
11.00-12.15 ice
13.00 Meal
sandwiches we bring with to hotel
19.00 Game CPH
22.00 Meal
Tuesday 9.00 Breakfast HOTEL
11.00-12.15 ice
13.00 Meal
16.30 Meal
20.30 Game Rødovre
23.15 Meal
Wed 8.15 Breakfast HOTEL
10.00-11.00 ice
11.30 Meal
14.00-15.00 ice
15.45 Meal
Cake with
Dinner on your own
22.00 meeting at the HOTEL
Thur 8.00 Breakfast HOTEL
8.30 check out hotell
9.45-11.15 ice
12.00 Meal
12.45 Bus Departure – 15.10 Flight